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On 16 January 2025, there will be temporary disruptions to account access on the Being Well Together website between 08:00 AM and 11:00 AM (GMT). Full access will be restored by 12:00 PM (GMT), where you will be able to login via the British Safety Council website. 

Since its foundation in 1957, British Safety Council has campaigned tirelessly to protect workers from accidents, hazards and unsafe conditions, and played a decisive role in the political process that has led to adoption of landmark safety legislation in the UK. Its members in more than 60 countries are committed to protecting and improving the wellbeing of workers believing that a healthy and safe work environment is also good for business.

As part of its charitable work, British Safety Council leads health, safety and wellbeing networking forums for all sectors, and facilitates and promotes best practice in Britain and overseas. It also offers a range of services and products, including training, qualifications, publications, audits and awards.

British Safety Council works closely with organisations, charities and individuals who share its vision of ensuring that every worker goes home at the end of the day as healthy as they were when they went to work.

Starting your journey

As an organisation you are conscious of the need to approach health, safety and wellbeing in an integrated way but aren’t sure where to start.

Wellbeing consultancy

Tailored to suit the specific needs of your business, our consultancy services will help you to maintain and continually improve your existing wellbeing.

Free consultation

No matter what stage you are at with your health, safety and wellbeing initiatives, our free initial consultation will help you to understand priorities, next steps and areas of focus for your organisation.