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Being Well Together, launched by British Safety Council in September 2020, brings together the latest thinking, awareness and support from experts in wellbeing, whose expertise is provided via a range of wellbeing solutions.  

Further details on British Safety Council’s vision, mission and values can be found here.

Free consultation

No matter what stage you are at with your health, safety and wellbeing initiatives, our free initial consultation will help you to understand priorities, next steps and areas of focus for your organisation.

Wellbeing consultancy

Our wellbeing consultancy services perform a key part of our overall holistic, proactive, and sustainable approach to workplace wellbeing. We help organisations identify and mitigate challenges that get in the way of people thriving in their work.

Education solutions

Our extensive range of mental health and wellbeing training courses are created to have real impact and encourage enhanced wellbeing across all levels of your organisation.