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On 16 January 2025, there will be temporary disruptions to account access on the Being Well Together website between 08:00 AM and 11:00 AM (GMT). Full access will be restored by 12:00 PM (GMT), where you will be able to login via the British Safety Council website. 

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Khushboo Patel highlighted that neurodivergence is still relatively new in the workplace and providing us with an accurate definition of neurodivergence. Khushboo reinforced the need for employers to understand and support the individuals symptoms as these differ a lot even within the same diagnosis. Khushboo explained that neuroinclusion is all about embracing, valuing and utilising different brains and being inclusive so that neurodiverse individuals can thrive.

James Jackson provided insight on the social model of disability which is focused on how support should already be in place rather than trying to ""cure"" the problem. James mentioned that 1 in 16 neurodivergent adults are not in full time work despite the incredibly valuable traits this group often has. James stated that there is more we can do to make workplaces more welcoming for neurodiverse people including quiet spaces, fidget tools and inclusion passports.

Richard Talbot shared his first hand experience with neurodiversity and how it has impacted him in the workplace. Richard highlighted the need to be asked ""how can we support you?"", to not be scared to have open discussions and to be conversationally competent. Richard demonstrated that there are support resources already available such as occupational health, reasonable adjustments and more.

Some key takeaways from the session:
• Every neurodiverse individual presents differently, even within the same condition.
• Richard mentioned that just because he took some additional bathroom breaks and felt a bit sick this morning, it didn't mean he was ""slightly pregnant"". You either are neurodiverse or you aren't.
• Don't look for the answers on Google, neurodiverse people are the experts and they can give you the answers if you have the conversations and work together.
• Listening and empathising are key to being able to support neurodiverse people.
• Neurodiversity support in the workplace must be done on a case by case basis. It is not a one-size-fits-all process.
• Learn about the neurodiverse person and their symptoms before you try and make reasonable adjustments.
• Support the symptoms, not the condition.